Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Karie's 21 Day Transformation


---> These are my official day 1 vs day 21 pictures of my brand new 3-week program I just completed yesterday.

I MODIFIED EVERYTHING! Even repeated week 2 workouts bc my body cannot do more than 30 minutes with healing adrenals.
Would you believe me if I told you I lost 3 pounds?!?!

I did step on the scale DAILY bc I LOVE the scale  I have to tell you, the results you see are MOSTLY inches...which means FAT LOSS!
After gaining 56 pounds with my lyme journey, the FAT % on my body was THROUGH the roof!
LOOK who is wrecking havoc on that fat now 

My secret??

***Never giving up.
***TOTAL imperfection

GOOD things come to those who are consistent. The time it takes us to reach our destination varies, but the victories taste just as sweet.

If you are ready to rock an imperfect journey with us, my next group starts SOON!



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