Tuesday, October 17, 2017

How I BEAT Lyme

How I BEAT Lyme

But, first...have you heard my story? Maybe you have similar symptoms and reading what it was like for me may affirm YOU are not crazy. IN fact, you have a very real disease and it CAN BE BEAT.

Start here: 
2015 was a CRAZY year!
My Rollercoaster Ride
My Life before Lyme
LYME Protocol for Dogs

  • Serrapeptase - Cyst Buster

  • Rainbow Light Pain Eze - I used this in place of any other pain reliever bc I wanted a natural alternative that wasn’t harsh on my body. It was already working hard enough <3

  • Vitamin D3 Helpful to supplement D3 and magnesium with lyme as well bc LYME attacks our D receptors and steals our magnesium to make cysts to hide in.

  • Vitamin D3 Paired with Vitamin K I use this to help the D3 absorb better. D3 is also fat soluble so when you take it with some fat, you absorb more.

  • Magnesium {Magnesium citrate is great for constipation bc it only goes to the colon; Magnesium glycinate goes to the entire body except the colon}

  • Vegan Super food Smoothie: Helped to replace vital nutrients Lyme was robbing me from

  • Metagenics products: www.metagenics.com Renagen for my Kidneys {first two months only}. Then the scan showed what other organs needed supported.

  • Burbur Pinella Drops: Great for easing brain fog, herx reactions and nerve pain. Also helps to detox the liver, kidney and lymph systems.

  • CBD Oil Helps with pain relief, can reduce anxiety and depression, neurological issues, can benefit heart health, etc. I struggled with all of the above. This is my oil site and if you choose to order from me, you will receive FREE shipping with your first order.

  • Probiotic
  • Prebiotic is food for Probiotics. Are you having a lot of gut issues? This combo will help.
  • Cellular Detox: Decrease your toxic load and decrease oxidative stress Lyme creates on the body.
I can help with an individualized plan for you or you can Shop Direct
Level 1 Detox: https://bit.ly/Level1Detox
Lever 2 Detox: https://bit.ly/Level2Detox
Level 3 Detox:  https://bit.ly/Level3Detox
Please know, my door is always open and I am happy to talk to you and come up with a plan for your body support. =======> bit.ly/HowCanIhelpYou

~~~I used AMAZON prime, Vitacost.com and naturalhealthyconcepts.com for most of my nutritionals when I wasn't with my herbalist.

Here's the exact protocol- You will increase the Una De Gato 2 by 1 drop every two weeks. UNLESS, you experience a Herx reaction and then you want to go back to the # of drops that was working without HERX. Stay on one more week and attempt an increase again. It took me 3 weeks to be able to move onto 3 drops twice a day.

Don’t be a hero. Don’t try to push through a HERX. It won’t help you heal faster. It will stress your body out more and stress and lyme don’t pair well together.
  • 1 drop of Una De Gato 2 in 1 ounces of water in the morning upon waking up. Wait one minute once the drop is added to the water and consume.

  • 1 Serrapeptase 10 minutes later.

  • 40 Minutes AFTER Serrapeptase you can take other sups or eat.

  • Citrus seed extract, Renagen & Probiotic {Ultra Flora Balance by Metagenics} with breakfast and dinner

  • 1 drop of Una De Gato 2 on an empty stomach, at bedtime.

  • 1 Serrapeptase, 10 minutes after the Una De Gato

Looking to learn more about CBD oil? 

Message me for my easy to read Ebook or printable document. 

Want to try a FREE sampler? Only pay shipping! I help you with dosing.

Looking to grow your income with the CBD Industry?

Ready to order? Save with my 4 pack! {buy 3 get one free}! Mix & Match with all CBD products!

My FAVORITE t shirts:

As you become stronger you may want to add in some gentle movement. I used this mini trampoline on to help my lymph drainage. SO good for us.

THIS was physically hard for me...and may be for you too. DO what you can. I started with 10 seconds and works my way up. The bartonella co-infection really made my legs feel so fatigued. It felt like I ran a marathon, only I didn't.

**The only thing I didn’t use was the silver cover. It smells toxic so I left it off. No springs on this unit so no worries.

I have utilized many of my own in home workouts to help to rehabilitate, physically, once I was lyme free. If you would love some support with your journey, please reach out.

My door is always open,

Karie Bojarski
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