Thursday, March 3, 2016

3 Day Refresh Results ~ I lost 7 Pounds in 3 Days

3 Day Refresh Results ~ I lost 7 Pounds in 3 Days


When I started this 3 day detox I didn't tell a soul. I was afraid I would gain weight AGAIN so I went into it JUST to see if my body was ready to lose again. It's not about the weight loss signifies FORWARD movement. For a girl who felt like she was SLIDING backwards with reckless abandon...THIS FEELS GOOD!!!!

Let me back up to September 2015 when I started to detox from high level of mercury in my body. I had such a high level it really messed with my central nervous system. Even though I was eating clean, I was gaining weight. 

October 14, 2015 2pm....seems odd I looked at the clock....but I had NEVER had that kind of head pain EVER. I was the kid of person that would allow a headache to go away on its own and rarely took medication. This day started a 5 week bout with Cluster headaches that no one could explain. CT scans and MRI's were clear, THANK GOD. 

Still, I was suffering. There were times I wanted to CRY, but I couldn't because if I did, it would cause more pain. There were times I felt sorry for myself. There were times I couldn't get off the couch. There was a time 7 days had gone by and I hadn't showered or changed my clothes. The pain was immense and no one had a remedy. 

I turned to several medical professionals looking for relief and also looked at the food and body connection. I learned so much. I have been dairy free, egg free and gluten free since November 2015. 

RECENTLY, wheat decided it wasn't my friend and needs to step off for a bit and I am ok with it :)

Here are my results from 3 days of detoxing on a cellular level. 

The pic on the left is DAY 2. You see, I didn't expect my body to actually lose because it hasn't lost on the refresh since before September. So i would try a day here and there to see if my Central Nervous System was back to working order. THIS time it is!!!

I lost 7 pounds in 3 days. I feel less brain fog. I feel more motivated to get my healthy body back. I feel PROUD to be me. 

Talk about giving a girl a present <3 

40 was HARD...41 is my COMEBACK baby!

Ready to REFRESH with me? I am doing this again because I have many layers of med trials to work through.  Do you need a life change?

Fill out my online form to join me :)

Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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