Wednesday, October 31, 2018

😫Do you struggle with pain?

😫Do you struggle with pain?

💚Join us for another Lyme Library episode. {Normally it will be 
   Mondays at 8 pm, but I was BEAT from the early morning and 
   day spent in the hospital with the hubs }

---> Topic: Oh the many pain supplements we use....

➡️I'll share our 6 favorites and what worked for us. The pain
   associated with Lyme is unlike anything I have ever experienced. 

😫If you know someone struggling to get a grip on it, please share with them.

Looking to learn more about CBD oil? 

Message me for my easy to read Ebook or printable document. 

Want to try a FREE sampler? Only pay shipping! I help you with dosing.

Looking to grow your income with the CBD Industry?

Ready to order? Save with my 4 pack! {buy 3 get one free}! Mix & Match with all CBD products!

My door is always open, 


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