Core De Force
This is the program I am using to rehabilitate my body after Lyme Disease. I lost so much muscle and was very weak. I didn't start with this program but it's the one that is going to take me back to my former self. My fitter self. My strong self.
Yes, I modify the modifier, with many moves and LOVE that this program is doable for me.
I have seen and done a ton of workouts from Beachbody. But, I tell you, this one is different!
Super trainers, Joel Freeman and Jericho McMatthews, put their heads together and created a workout that will blast fat and carve your waist in just 30 days! I was a little doubtful, at first. You see, I know how hard it is to target specific trouble areas and get them to respond to exercise. However, with Core de Force, that’s exactly what you’re doing!
Belly fat and a weak core are taken down at their mercy by this new workout. Joel and Jericho’s exercises work your body in such a way that a rotational motion trims your waist and strengthens your core muscles, unlike any other workout currently offered by Beachbody. And, it’s fun!
It’s an explosive combination of mixed martial arts-inspired motions that works your body weight as resistance to build strength. It’s not set to any music, as the trainers intended the workouts to be able to accommodate any pace that users might be at. There are modifications for each and every exercise. And, Joel stresses that there are no prerequisites for this workout plan. “You don’t have to be at any required fitness level. You don’t have to go out and get any equipment. And, you don’t have to do anything to get ready for it,” he explained during a recent conversation with Beachbody coaches. “It’s a workout that will be appropriate for people at all fitness levels.”
Eating Plan
Along with the eight workouts that you receive with the base kit, you will also get an eating plan. “I call it an eating plan, because I like to eat,” explained Joel. “But, since you are doing high intensity workouts, you do get to eat more. There are recipes like chicken barbecue pizza and burgers in there. You definitely don’t go hungry.”
The eating plan is designed to be simple and sustainable. It incorporates common, everyday foods that you want to eat in your “normal” diet. It includes more carbs than most nutrition plans, as you’re being more active and will burn them off more easily. The eating plan is compatible with the 21-Day Fix nutrition system, but there are other ways to measure your servings than using the container system.
Easy on Joints
While this workout is of a high intensity nature, it’s not going to be damaging to weak joints. There’s not a lot of jumping that may cause injury to your knees or back. Many of the motions included in the workout are fluid rotational movements that are joint-friendly.
Fits in Your Schedule
Workouts last between 30 to 45 minutes, so it’s manageable to fit into a busy schedule. Each workout is divided into 3-minute segments (much like boxing rounds), and they bring your body into intense fat-burning levels. While workouts are scheduled seven days per week, there is an active recovery day where you work on form and technique, while still keeping your body active.
Amazing Results
Results from the test group are phenomenal! While many testers lost a lot of weight, the most impressive aspect of the results were the total body transformations they underwent. They lost inches and carved out muscle definition they never knew they could have. “And, they felt like total bad asses when it was all done,” said Joel. “Their workouts showed them things with their bodies they didn’t know they could ever do. It’s amazing!”
Core de Force is available through Beachbody coaches starting October 31 with the release of Challenge Packs that include Shakeology or the Performance Packs. Don’t miss out on this phenomenal workout!
Click Here for more info on Core De Force.
Speaking of RESULTS! Check out the RESULTS from the TEST GROUP!!
“This program pretty much saved me. Sounds super cliche, but I was starting to hit a really crap time in my life, my fitness, my health, my business…and then this test group opportunity came along and it completely revived me. I love everything about the workouts. Joel & Jericho are amazing. I feel stronger and more confident than I have in a really long time. This program is going to be one of those “marks” on the beachbody timeline for sure.” – Jena C.
“This program is AMAZING!!! Having experienced postpartum depression and anxiety for the year following my daughter’s birth in April of 2015, I needed this badly. This is so much more than a workout program. It’s taught me that I’m strong, I’m Brave, I’m a fighter and I can face anything that comes my way. This program broke me down and built me up in a way that no other program has (and I’m an in home workout junkie 
). The workouts are fantastic. Joel & Jericho are the absolute best – they say exactly what you need to hear when you need to hear it. They pushed me to my limits and beyond.
I’ve never felt this amazing in my life and I feel just like Jena in saying it completely saved me. Can’t wait to see what the next 30 days bring
” – Taryn D.

I’ve never felt this amazing in my life and I feel just like Jena in saying it completely saved me. Can’t wait to see what the next 30 days bring

Doing Core De Force made me realize I kept telling myself that because I had two kids, I would never have abs and that I wasn’t strong enough to do push ups. Honestly, I never even tried that hard with other programs, until I was forced to with this one. I’ve never seen results like this and can’t even believe it’s me! – Audrey R.
I feel like such a badass doing these workouts. But ultimately, this program has been a battle for my brain. I have dealt with a binge eating/emotional eating disorder for a lot of my adult life and I FINALLY feel in control. I have been binge free for a little over 60 days and have felt completely in control of my body and my thoughts. This program is a life changer. – Rachel A.
-5.5# & 7.5″ in 30 days, and a total of -9.9# and 11.5″ in 60 days. No doubt the biggest victories for me came in the form of GAINS, NOT losses…. I’ve gained a whole new mindset…. greater belief, confidence, and inner strength & FIGHT than I’ve ever had in my LIFE. Im an emotional eater, and confidence & belief in myself is a daily struggle. But CDF has helped me to break through that, which has been huge. Also, as a national collegiate swimmer who suffered rotator cuff tendonitis and was told I would need surgery by 4 different doctors, I have NEVER been able to do pushups, EVER. Today, I am rocking ALL of them on my toes with CDF (well… except The Spinx, which y’all will experience soon! ;-)) This program is REALLY going to transform our customers like never before… the fitness & nutrition is amazing, but no doubt… SO many of our people struggle with believing they CAN do this, and that they DESERVE to do this. CDF nails it right there. This program is a complete body AND mind transformation, and it’s really going to be a game changer for our teams, our customers, and the entire network. – Rachel V.
As a mom of 3 I have never been able to get my stomach “flat”. I have also been stuck at the same weight and measurements for quite a while. But most importantly I cannot believe how much will power and determination I had while doing this. I actually blew myself away with it. It built some serious badass confidence and strength inside of me. I think this program is a game changer for us as coaches and for people’s results. – Kristen A.
Down 16.9 lbs and 23 inches total thus far!! – Christi W.
My 60 day results! Down 14.2lbs & 20.75 inches!Core De Force helped me tap into a place, deep inside that has been dormant for a bit, to prove to myself, to my team and my followers that what we do, what we offer is unparalleled. And works! I feel strong, confident, I have my fighting power back. This program is going to help so many people not only physically, but mentally too. Its a total body transformation: mind, body, soul
-Dara D.

These pics will show that I’m
DOWN 8 lbs & 11.5 inches
UP confidence, strength, energy and BOOTY! lol What it doesn’t show (and is important for you to know), is that with every passing day my INNER strength is growing as well.
I am proud of making a commitment to complete & crush this program. I have learned to respect myself and the strength I have to push through even on the days I don’t really feel like it. I have reconnected with the strength I have to DO HARD THINGS, and for that I am forever grateful! Between 30-60 minutes per day. DELICIOUS and plentiful nutritious foods to choose from on the meal plan. My favorite chocolate shakeology every morning. An online community of incredible people doing this along side me everyday. 2 world class trainers joining me EVERY SINGLE MORNING and reminding me that I am capable of so much more than I think. – Aimee C.
DOWN 8 lbs & 11.5 inches
UP confidence, strength, energy and BOOTY! lol What it doesn’t show (and is important for you to know), is that with every passing day my INNER strength is growing as well.
I am proud of making a commitment to complete & crush this program. I have learned to respect myself and the strength I have to push through even on the days I don’t really feel like it. I have reconnected with the strength I have to DO HARD THINGS, and for that I am forever grateful! Between 30-60 minutes per day. DELICIOUS and plentiful nutritious foods to choose from on the meal plan. My favorite chocolate shakeology every morning. An online community of incredible people doing this along side me everyday. 2 world class trainers joining me EVERY SINGLE MORNING and reminding me that I am capable of so much more than I think. – Aimee C.
Here is how this program makes me feel…as a mom who had lost 90 lbs in last 4 years, I was never able to fully see abs….sure I had made progress but this program took it to the next level. I have seen my strength increase and inches decrease, confidence go up and I’ve developed this inner fight within me..a fight that says “I can conquer anything…” This program is more than a physical’s a mental one as well..when you punch, kick, fight for yourself you discover that you are conquering on many levels…absolutely life changing for me…and mama is getting a Six pack for Christmas!!! This program will totally transform you from the inside out! – Mannie W.
This program was truly life changing for me. Our divorce was final in July and I was down in the dumps. After 30 days I felt amazing, powerful and fit. 60 days delivered even more empowerment and confidence. Can’t wait to see what the next 30 days delivers! Just started the last round this week. I’m all in!! – Anne P.
Excited by the essayist's capacity to write in this brilliant way.